Softmax loss
def get_softmax_loss(features,one_hot_labels):
prob = tf.nn.softmax(features + 1e-5)
cross_entropy = tf.multiply(one_hot_labels,tf.log(tf.clip_by_value(prob,1e-5,1.0)))
loss = -tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy)
return loss
Center loss
def get_center_loss(features, labels, alpha, num_classes):
# alpha:中心的更新比例
# 获取特征长度
len_features = features.get_shape()[1]
# 建立一个变量,存储每一类的中心,不训练
centers = tf.get_variable('centers', [num_classes, len_features], dtype=tf.float32,
initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), trainable=False)
# 将label reshape成一维
labels = tf.reshape(labels, [-1])
# 获取当前batch每个样本对应的中心
centers_batch = tf.gather(centers, labels)
# 计算center loss的数值
loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(features - centers_batch)
# 以下为更新中心的步骤
diff = centers_batch - features
# 获取一个batch中同一样本出现的次数,这里需要理解论文中的更新公式
unique_label, unique_idx, unique_count = tf.unique_with_counts(labels)
appear_times = tf.gather(unique_count, unique_idx)
appear_times = tf.reshape(appear_times, [-1, 1])
diff = diff / tf.cast((1 + appear_times), tf.float32)
diff = alpha * diff
# 更新中心
centers = tf.scatter_sub(centers, labels, diff)
return loss, centers
Focal loss
def get_focal_loss(features,one_hot_labels,n):
prob = tf.nn.softmax(features + 1e-5)
cross_entropy = tf.multiply(one_hot_labels,tf.log(tf.clip_by_value(prob,1e-5,1.0)))
weight = tf.pow(tf.subtract(1.0,prob),n)
loss = -tf.reduce_mean(tf.multiply(weight,cross_entropy))
return loss
Triplet loss
def compute_triplet_loss(anchor_feature, positive_feature, negative_feature, margin):
Compute the contrastive loss as in
L = || f_a - f_p ||^2 - || f_a - f_n ||^2 + m
margin: Triplet margin
Return the loss operation
def compute_euclidean_distance(x, y):
Computes the euclidean distance between two tensorflow variables
d = tf.square(tf.sub(x, y))
d = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(d)) # What about the axis ???
return d
with tf.name_scope("triplet_loss"):
d_p_squared = tf.square(compute_euclidean_distance(anchor_feature, positive_feature))
d_n_squared = tf.square(compute_euclidean_distance(anchor_feature, negative_feature))
loss = tf.maximum(0., d_p_squared - d_n_squared + margin)
#loss = d_p_squared - d_n_squared + margin
return tf.reduce_mean(loss), tf.reduce_mean(d_p_squared), tf.reduce_mean(d_n_squared)
def huber_loss(labels, predictions, delta=1.0):
residual = tf.abs(predictions - labels)
condition = tf.less(residual, delta)
small_res = 0.5 * tf.square(residual)
large_res = delta * residual - 0.5 * tf.square(delta)
return tf.where(condition, small_res, large_res)