windows编译tensorflow tensorflow单机多卡程序的框架 tensorflow的操作 tensorflow的变量初始化和scope 人体姿态检测 segmentation标注工具 tensorflow模型恢复与inference的模型简化 利用多线程读取数据加快网络训练 tensorflow使用LSTM pytorch examples 利用tensorboard调参 深度学习中的loss函数汇总 纯C++代码实现的faster rcnn tensorflow使用记录 windows下配置caffe_ssd use ubuntu caffe as libs use windows caffe like opencv windows caffe implement caffe model convert to keras model flappyBird DQN Joint Face Detection and Alignment using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks Fast-style-transfer tensorflow安装 tensorflow DQN Fully Convolutional Models for Semantic Segmentation Transposed Convolution, Fractionally Strided Convolution or Deconvolution 基于tensorflow的分布式部署 用python实现mlp bp算法 用tensorflow和tflearn搭建经典网络结构 Data Augmentation Tensorflow examples Training Faster RCNN with Online Hard Example Mining 使用Tensorflow做Prisma图像风格迁移 RNN(循环神经网络)推导 深度学习中的稀疏编码思想 利用caffe与lmdb读写图像数据 分析voc2007检测数据 用python写caffe网络配置 ssd开发 将KITTI的数据格式转换为VOC Pascal的xml格式 Faster RCNN 源码分析 在Caffe中建立Python layer 在Caffe中建立C++ layer 为什么CNN反向传播计算梯度时需要将权重旋转180度 Caffe使用教程(下) Caffe使用教程(上) CNN反向传播 Softmax回归 Caffe Ubuntu下环境配置

flappyBird DQN


flappyBird DQN






首先随机动作填充replace memory, [state_t, action, reward,state_t+1]

价值网络预测对应state下执行每个动作所获得的feature reward

训练价值网络使得state_t下的feature reward和state_t+1下的feature reward和前一时刻的reward的和逼近

更新replace memory直到整个网络收敛


import cv2
import sys
import wrapped_flappy_bird as game
from BrainDQN_Nature import BrainDQN
import numpy as np

# preprocess raw image to 80*80 gray image
def preprocess(observation):
    observation = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.resize(observation, (80, 80)), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    ret, observation = cv2.threshold(observation,1,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
    return np.reshape(observation,(80,80,1))

def playFlappyBird():
    # Step 1: init BrainDQN
    actions = 2 #两个动作
    brain = BrainDQN(actions) #构建Q value网络
    # Step 2: init Flappy Bird Game
    flappyBird = game.GameState()
    # Step 3: play game
    # Step 3.1: obtain init state
    action0 = np.array([1,0])  # do nothing [1,0]自由下降,[0,1]点击上升
    observation0, reward0, terminal = flappyBird.frame_step(action0) #初始化获得小鸟图像
    observation0 = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.resize(observation0, (80, 80)), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    ret, observation0 = cv2.threshold(observation0,1,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY) #获得游戏屏幕输入
    brain.setInitState(observation0) #将初始帧复制4份作为初始state的输入

    # Step 3.2: run the game
    flag = 1!=0
    while True:
        action = brain.getAction() 根据currentState获得网络预测Q value然后决策action
        nextObservation,reward,terminal = flappyBird.frame_step(action) 根据action更新游戏当前帧
        nextObservation = preprocess(nextObservation) 游戏画面处理
        brain.setPerception(nextObservation,action,reward,terminal) DQN网络处理

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

import tensorflow as tf 
import numpy as np 
import random
from collections import deque 

# Hyper Parameters:
GAMMA = 0.99 # decay rate of past observations
OBSERVE = 100. # timesteps to observe before training
EXPLORE = 200000. # frames over which to anneal epsilon
FINAL_EPSILON = 0#0.001 # final value of epsilon
INITIAL_EPSILON = 0#0.01 # starting value of epsilon
REPLAY_MEMORY = 50000 # number of previous transitions to remember
#REPLAY_MEMORY = 50 # number of previous transitions to remember
BATCH_SIZE = 32 # size of minibatch

class BrainDQN:

  def __init__(self,actions):
    # init replay memory
    self.replayMemory = deque()
    # init some parameters
    self.timeStep = 0
    self.epsilon = INITIAL_EPSILON
    self.actions = actions
    # init Q network, this is for current state
    self.stateInput, self.QValue, self.W_conv1, self.b_conv1, self.W_conv2, \
                self.b_conv2, self.W_conv3, self.b_conv3, self.W_fc1, \
                self.b_fc1, self.W_fc2, self.b_fc2  = self.createQNetwork()

    # init Target Q Network, this is for next state and will update
    self.stateInputT,self.QValueT,self.W_conv1T,self.b_conv1T,self.W_conv2T,self.b_conv2T,self.W_conv3T,self.b_conv3T,self.W_fc1T,self.b_fc1T,self.W_fc2T,self.b_fc2T = self.createQNetwork()

    self.copyTargetQNetworkOperation = \
                [ self.W_conv1T.assign(self.W_conv1), \
                  self.b_conv1T.assign(self.b_conv1), \
                  self.W_conv2T.assign(self.W_conv2), \
                  self.b_conv2T.assign(self.b_conv2), \
                  self.W_conv3T.assign(self.W_conv3), \
                  self.b_conv3T.assign(self.b_conv3), \
                  self.W_fc1T.assign(self.W_fc1), \
                  self.b_fc1T.assign(self.b_fc1), \
                  self.W_fc2T.assign(self.W_fc2), \
                  self.b_fc2T.assign(self.b_fc2) ]

    self.createTrainingMethod()# create the network completly

    # saving and loading networks
    self.saver = tf.train.Saver()
    self.session = tf.InteractiveSession() # init all the netwotk 
    checkpoint = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state("saved_networks")
    if checkpoint and checkpoint.model_checkpoint_path:
        self.saver.restore(self.session, checkpoint.model_checkpoint_path)
        print "Successfully loaded:", checkpoint.model_checkpoint_path
        print "Could not find old network weights"

  def createQNetwork(self):
    # network weights
    W_conv1 = self.weight_variable([8,8,4,32])
    b_conv1 = self.bias_variable([32])

    W_conv2 = self.weight_variable([4,4,32,64])
    b_conv2 = self.bias_variable([64])

    W_conv3 = self.weight_variable([3,3,64,64])
    b_conv3 = self.bias_variable([64])

    W_fc1 = self.weight_variable([1600,512])
    b_fc1 = self.bias_variable([512])

    W_fc2 = self.weight_variable([512,self.actions])
    b_fc2 = self.bias_variable([self.actions])

    # input layer

    stateInput = tf.placeholder("float",[None,80,80,4])

    # hidden layers
    h_conv1 = tf.nn.relu(self.conv2d(stateInput,W_conv1,4) + b_conv1)
    h_pool1 = self.max_pool_2x2(h_conv1)

    h_conv2 = tf.nn.relu(self.conv2d(h_pool1,W_conv2,2) + b_conv2)

    h_conv3 = tf.nn.relu(self.conv2d(h_conv2,W_conv3,1) + b_conv3)

    h_conv3_flat = tf.reshape(h_conv3,[-1,1600])
    h_fc1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(h_conv3_flat,W_fc1) + b_fc1)

    # Q Value layer
    QValue = tf.matmul(h_fc1,W_fc2) + b_fc2
    print 'Qvalue shap = {} '.format(QValue.get_shape())

    return stateInput, QValue, W_conv1, b_conv1, \
                W_conv2, b_conv2, W_conv3, b_conv3, \
                W_fc1, b_fc1, W_fc2, b_fc2

  def copyTargetQNetwork(self):

  def createTrainingMethod(self):
    self.actionInput = tf.placeholder("float",[None,self.actions]) #当前状态的action
    self.yInput = tf.placeholder("float", [None]) # feature reward
    Q_Action = tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(self.QValue, self.actionInput), reduction_indices = 1) #当前状态的Q value
    self.cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(self.yInput - Q_Action)) #cost
    self.trainStep = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-6).minimize(self.cost)

  def trainQNetwork(self):
    #Step 1: obtain random minibatch from replay memory
    minibatch = random.sample(self.replayMemory,BATCH_SIZE)
    state_batch = [data[0] for data in minibatch]
    action_batch = [data[1] for data in minibatch]
    reward_batch = [data[2] for data in minibatch]
    nextState_batch = [data[3] for data in minibatch]

    # Step 2: calculate y 
    y_batch = []
    # get the each state's QV
    QValue_batch = self.QValueT.eval(feed_dict={self.stateInputT:nextState_batch}) #下一个state的image输入target Q network

    for i in range(0,BATCH_SIZE): #计算feature reward
      terminal = minibatch[i][4]
      if terminal:
        y_batch.append(reward_batch[i] + GAMMA * np.max(QValue_batch[i])){
      self.yInput : y_batch,
      self.actionInput : action_batch,
      self.stateInput : state_batch
      }) #根据当前state的image的action获得的reward和feature reward计算loss 

    # save network every 100000 iteration
    if self.timeStep % 10000 == 0:, 'saved_networks/' + 'network' + '-dqn', global_step = self.timeStep)

    if self.timeStep % UPDATE_TIME == 0: #每隔一定次数用Q Network更新Target Network

  def setPerception(self,nextObservation,action,reward,terminal):
    #newState = np.append(nextObservation,self.currentState[:,:,1:],axis = 2)
    newState = np.append(self.currentState[:,:,1:],nextObservation,axis = 2)
    #print 'replayMemory shap = {}'.format(self.replayMemory.shape)
    if len(self.replayMemory) > REPLAY_MEMORY: #保留最新的replayMemory
    if self.timeStep > OBSERVE:
      # Train the network

    # print info
    state = ""
    if self.timeStep <= OBSERVE:
      state = "observe"
    elif self.timeStep > OBSERVE and self.timeStep <= OBSERVE + EXPLORE:
      state = "explore"
      state = "train"

    print "TIMESTEP", self.timeStep, "/ STATE", state, \
            "/ EPSILON", self.epsilon

    self.currentState = newState
    self.timeStep += 1

  def getAction(self):
    QValue = self.QValue.eval(feed_dict= {self.stateInput:[self.currentState]})[0]
    action = np.zeros(self.actions)
    action_index = 0
    if self.timeStep % FRAME_PER_ACTION == 0:
      if random.random() <= self.epsilon:
        action_index = random.randrange(self.actions)
        action[action_index] = 1
        action_index = np.argmax(QValue)
        action[action_index] = 1
      action[0] = 1 # do nothing

    # change episilon
    if self.epsilon > FINAL_EPSILON and self.timeStep > OBSERVE:

    return action

  def setInitState(self,observation):
    # observation.shape =>  [80. 80, 1] curr
    self.currentState = np.stack((observation, observation, observation, observation), axis = 2)
    print "currentState = {}".format(self.currentState.shape)

  def weight_variable(self,shape):
    initial = tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev = 0.01)
    return tf.Variable(initial)

  def bias_variable(self,shape):
    initial = tf.constant(0.01, shape = shape)
    return tf.Variable(initial)

  def conv2d(self,x, W, stride):
    return tf.nn.conv2d(x, W, strides = [1, stride, stride, 1], padding = "SAME")

  def max_pool_2x2(self,x):
    return tf.nn.max_pool(x, ksize = [1, 2, 2, 1], strides = [1, 2, 2, 1], padding = "SAME")

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